Coastal and hydraulic engineering
research group

The Coastal and Hydraulic Engineering group teaches undergraduate and Masters courses covering both fundamental processes and the latest research in water, wind and coastal engineering. We aim to develop critical research skills for our Ph.D. students to enable them to be future leaders in Academia and Industry. We focus on protecting natural systems and protecting people and places in a changing climate. 

Research facilities include a wide range of hydraulic flumes, wave flumes, a wind tunnel and the beaches and reefs of Queensland and NSW. We are a world leader in sediment transport processes, nearshore hydrodynamics, wave runup and overtopping, coral reef hydrodynamics and statistical modelling of beach processes. Our students undertake diverse and challenging laboratory and field projects aimed at enhancing the safety and resilience of communities along the coastline of Australia and the Pacific Islands.


Meet the team

About the group

Click on the links below for more information about the Coastal and Hydraulic Engineering research group.

Our partnerships

We collaborate with National and Global Institutions worldwide, with Australian Governments and Agencies, and with local, and national and international Industry Partners. We acknowledge our many current and past supporters below.

Australian Research Council

Global Change Institute

The World Bank


Engineering Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Explore the challenges faced by hydraulic and coastal engineers in delivering clean water, sustainable environments, and resilient infrastructure amidst a growing global population and adverse climate conditions.