Structures Lab
UQ Structures is located in the AEB and possesses comprehensive and state-of-the-art facilities to foster research quality and professional growth in all aspects of structural engineering.
Explore the Structures Facilities
Hydraulics Lab
The hydraulics laboratory in the School of Civil Engineering houses an extensive range of apparatus for physical modelling of coastal hydrodynamics and sediment transport processes.
These facilities are used for the physical modelling coastal systems in postgraduate, 4th year thesis and collaborative research work. The laboratory employs full-time technical staff who provide expertise in experiment design and construction. The laboratory also houses the experiments used in the practical component of undergraduate fluids subjects.
Explore the Hydraulics Lab
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering aims to embed sustainability in the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment.
Our research includes: resource recovery and treatment of solid and liquid waste; modelling the fate of hazardous contaminants in the environment; sustainable urban water management; catchment hydrology and rehabilitation; and climate change impacts.
Explore the Wind Research Laboratory (WiRL) and Aquatic Systems
Fire Lab
The Fire Safety Engineering research group at The University of Queensland is leading fire safety engineering research and education through developing sustainable innovations and design approaches.
Our mission is to develop and deliver enriched educational programs, scientific knowledge and novel engineering solutions across multiple disciplines and industries.
Our facilities help our researchers and commercial partners develop a better understand their materials or assemblies. Consequently, although much of the laboratory equipment is capable of performing the standard tests required for regulatory compliance, we do not issue standard testing certificates. We prefer to help develop products that deliver enhanced performance, rather than products that simply pass the test.
Explore the Fire Safety Facilities
Concrete Lab
Located within the Advanced Engineering Building, UQ Structures possesses one of the largest and most extensive structural testing facilities in the southern hemisphere. They have many well-established collaborative links with industry, government, and international institutions.
Explore the Concrete Lab
Geotechnical Labs
Geotechnical Engineering at UQ offers to its industry and research partners consulting services through the expertise of its staff.
Learn more about Geotechnical Engineering, Consulting Services and Facilities.