Environmental engineering
research group

Environmental Engineering aims to embed sustainability in the design, construction, and management of both the built and natural environment.

Our research explores the interaction of pollutants with the natural environment, with a focus on the hydrological cycle and its links to ecosystem health as well as the recovery and treatment of waste. We have specialist expertise in:

  • Catchment hydrology and rehabilitation; and
  • Climate change impact assessment;
  • Environmental monitoring, including water quality and greenhouse gas emission assessments;
  • Modelling the fate of contaminants in the environment;
  • Resource recovery and treatment of solid and liquid waste;
  • Sustainable water management;
  • Wind engineering assessments, with a focus on wind as an extreme atmospheric phenomena.

Meet the team

About the group

Click on the links below for more information about the Environmental Engineering research group.

Advancing Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Futures

Discover how UQ's Environmental engineers are at the forefront of measuring, understanding, and delivering sustainability in both built and natural environments.