Confirmation seminar presented by Rian Mantasa Salve Prastica

Sediment transport in urban waterways is vital for assessing water quality and ecosystem health. This study challenges the hypothesis that naturalized urban channels primarily accumulate sediment, suggesting they may become net exporters over an annual cycle, especially during high-flow events. Investigating flow dynamics and their impact on turbidity and sediment retention, this research utilizes fieldwork, laboratory experiments, and numerical modelling. By enhancing understanding of urban waterway dynamics, it aims to inform the refinement of design tools and strategies for managing water quality and ecosystem health in naturalized channel systems.

About Confirmation Seminars

The purpose of the confirmation milestone is to ensure that the candidate receives appropriate feedback in relation to the viability and progress of the thesis project and that the resources required to complete the program of research within the recommended timeframe are available. It is also an opportunity to ensure that the candidate has demonstrated the capacity and capability to successfully complete the thesis in a timely manner.


Advanced Engineering Building (49), Room 601 or