Confirmation seminar presented by Wenxuan Wu

Smouldering can progress without flame and destroy or damage timber structures through exothermic solid-phase oxidation reactions of porous char. Anecdotally, smouldering has been reported to be more severe in timber infrastructure treated with chromate copper arsenate (CCA), which is used to improve biological durability. Scientific knowledge on the severity and mechanisms of this phenomenon is insufficiently developed. Therefore, the work described herein aims to develop an experimental framework to systematically study the smouldering phenomenon from a fire safety point of view, as well as to quantitatively assess the influence of CCA or other copper-based preservatives on self-sustained smouldering.

Advanced Engineering Building (49) level 3, room 316A and on Zoom (link below) /


About Confirmation Seminars

The purpose of the confirmation milestone is to ensure that the candidate receives appropriate feedback in relation to the viability and progress of the thesis project and that the resources required to complete the program of research within the recommended timeframe are available. It is also an opportunity to ensure that the candidate has demonstrated the capacity and capability to successfully complete the thesis in a timely manner.



Advanced Engineering Building (49)
Level 3