Smouldering combustion
Smouldering combustion is a new emergent technology, ideal for waste treatment with high moisture content, where incineration is not feasible.
Due to the high-energy efficiency of the process, smouldering combustion can be self-sustaining at waste moisture content up to 75-80%. This technology is ideal to treat contaminated and harmful materials as the high temperatures ensure pathogen destruction.
Our research team applied smouldering combustion for the treatment of human faeces within the prestigious project 'Reinventing the Toilet Challenge' sponsored by The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Current and future projects include the utilisation of the smouldering technology for nutrients and metal recovery
UQ Fire research projects on smouldering combustion include:
'Waste to Value: Energy positive targeted resource recovery from sludge' ARC linkage led by Dr Luis Yerman.
'Assessment of Smouldering as an Efficient and Low-Cost Alternative for Management of Agricultural Solid Wastes'.
'Biochar production through smouldering combustion of biomass' led by Hons K. Wyn (OT).
'Treatment of waste green plant materials by means of self-sustaining smouldering combustion' led by Sergio Zarate (OT).