As a relatively wealthy region of the world, both Australia and New Zealand have clear responsibilities to demonstrate leadership in transitioning to cleaner transport systems.

This transition will require a holistic approach, involving:

A transition to a cleaner transport system not only has the potential to deliver significant environmental benefits, but can also produce a range of social and economic benefits for the region, including improvements in public health, investment in green jobs, and lower transport costs.

A general lack of awareness of clean transport options, the publication of largely unfounded or exaggerated misconceptions, and existing policy settings, are presenting significant challenges to the local adoption of clean transport options. As such, there is a need for evidence-based, publicly accessible briefings, produced by a credible and independent research partnership, which can inform the local community of the potential opportunities of a cleaner transport transition.


The Australia and New Zealand Clean Transport Academic Partnership (CTAP) seeks to support the development of cleaner transport systems, which are energy efficient and maximise emission reductions, whilst minimising negative impacts on other sectors of the economy.

Based on the best evidence available to us today, our vision of a clean transport system consists of:

Briefing Process:

CTAP uses a robust process for producing public briefs, which are evidence-based, and publicly accessible. The development process is as follows:

diagram of briefing process stages