Researcher Biography

Mr Danish Kazmi performed his PhD research at The University of Queensland (UQ). He investigated the potential use of crushed waste glass as a sustainable alternative to depleting natural and quarried (manufactured) sand in granular columns construction. He is one of the pioneers globally to research the potential use of crushed waste glass to backfill granular columns for ground improvement in clayey soil.

His research mainly focuses on developing sustainable geomaterials by recycling ever-increasing wastes as alternatives to diminishing and increasingly expensive natural aggregates in geotechnical construction, helping the transition towards a circular economy. His research interests include experimental soil mechanics, ground improvement, geocomposite testing and circular economy transitions in geotechnical construction. His research also draws on digital image analysis techniques to perform morphological characterisation of geomaterials through microscopic imaging.

Google Scholar: Danish Kazmi
ORCID: 0000-0001-6300-0460
Scopus Author ID: 57192989854
ResearcherID: B-1525-2018 

Non-traditional Research Outputs

High-definition UQ-branded Video Abstract# 1


High-definition UQ-branded Video Abstract #3 (internationally-partnered) 

High-definition UQ-branded Video Abstract# 2




  1. Awarded the prestigious Career Development Fellowship at The University of Queensland, funded by the Australian Government (2022).
  2. Future Leader Award (Class of 2021) awarded by The University of Queensland.
  3. Young Science Ambassador Award conferred by the Wonder of Science Program Australia for two years in a row (2021 and 2022) to help promote STEM culture in Queensland schools.
  4. Presented at the FameLab, a world-renowned live science competition, as a Queensland Semi-Finalist 2021
  5. Global Change Scholars Award conferred by The University of Queensland (2018).
  6. Double Award Winner at the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition at the UQ’s School of Civil Engineering level (First Prize and People Choice Award - 2019).
  7. Awarded participation at the Falling Walls Lab Queensland 2020, becoming one of the top ten researchers and innovators from Queensland selected to present at this event.  
  8. Won The University of Queensland Nomination for the 2021 Schmidt Science Fellowship, becoming one of the three most exceptional PhD students across UQ to apply for this fellowship.

Research impacts and media engagement

UQ News: One person’s waste glass becomes another person’s treasure
Endeavour Magazine (UK): Sustainable Glass
Quarry Magazine: Waste glass a superior alternative for ground improvement
Inside Waste Magazine: Queensland researcher finds replacement for sand in construction industry
Waste Management Review Magazine: PhD candidate develops glass waste construction columns
Sustainability Matters Magazine: Research could save our sand
Architecture and Design Magazine: New sustainable alternative to sand in construction  
Geotechnical Engineering Centre Newsletter 

Research collaborations and engagements

  1. University College London, United Kingdom
  2. Imperial College London, United Kingdom
  3. Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, Australia
  4. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
  5. Enviro Sand, Australia

International Research Journal Reviewer

  1. Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier)
  2. Environment, Development and Sustainability (Springer)
  3. Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier)
  4. Developments in the Built Environment (Elsevier)
  5. Acta Geotechnica (Springer)
  6. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (Springer)
  7. Geomechanics and Engineering - An International Journal (Springer)
  8. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (Springer)

Industry placement in Australia

Completed an approved six-week industry placement with Wagstaff Piling at a construction site in Queensland.

Volunteering and community work

  1. Certified Carbon Literate.
  2. UQ Volunteer 
  3. Mental Health First Aider accredited by Mental Health First Aid Australia.
  4. UQ Mental Health Champion
  5. UQ Respect Ambassador
  6. UQ Green Office Representative
  7. UQ Wellness Ambassador

Researcher biography

Dr Danish Kazmi completed his PhD in Geotechnical Engineering at The University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia. His PhD research investigated the potential use of crushed waste glass as a sustainable alternative to depleting traditional construction sands (natural and quarried) to backfill granular columns for in-situ ground improvement. He is a pioneer globally in researching the potential use of crushed waste glass to backfill granular columns for ground improvement in clayey soil.

His research mainly focuses on developing sustainable geomaterials by recycling ever-increasing wastes as alternatives to diminishing and increasingly expensive natural aggregates in geotechnical construction, helping the transition to a circular economy.

Danish is a TEDx Speaker and delivered a TEDx Talk at TEDxBrisbane. He is also one of the youngest researchers ever from his centre at UQ to receive a PhD.

Danish won the prestigious Career Development Fellowship at UQ, funded by the Australian Government. He received the coveted UQ Global Change Scholar Award and Future Leader Award. He won the Young Science Ambassador Award for the Wonder of Science Program in Australia to help promote a STEM culture in Queensland schools. He is a passionate science communicator and a double award winner at the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®) at the UQ's School of Civil Engineering level. His PhD research has been featured in several Australian and international magazines and has led him to win several scholarships, alongside his selection to present at well-reputed live science communication events. Danish has published three high-definition UQ-branded Video Abstracts to communicate his research to the broader society and help maximise science outreach. Danish was interviewed by Inspiring Australia as part of Australia's National Science Week celebrations to help spark the interest of students in STEM education. He successfully initiated cross-institutional research collaborations with world-leading organisations and is an invited peer-reviewer for various top-ranking scientific journals and conferences.

Danish currently works full-time as a Geotechnical Engineer in the Tunnels & Geotechnics Team (South Queensland Region) at GHD in the Australian industry. Previously, he worked as a full-time Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering at UQ. He is passionate about helping to develop transformative civil and geotechnical engineering solutions through leading-edge research leveraging university-industry collaborations.

Danish is a UQ Global Change Scholar and Green Office Representative. He is an accredited Mental Health First Aider and a UQ Mental Health Champion. He is also a certified Carbon Literate. Danish cares deeply about the environment and believes planet Earth is our most valuable asset. Outside work, he enjoys volunteering for sustainability, social initiatives, and science communication, connecting with nature, and spending time at the beach.

Australian Geotechnical Industry Experience Highlights

  • Asset management, site inspections, construction quality assurance and compliance (QA and QC)
  • Dam inspections, monitoring, regulatory compliance and high-level reporting
  • Geotechnical site investigations (including sonic drilling, auger drilling, etc.)
  • Borehole and test pit logging
  • In-situ sampling of soils and rocks
  • Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
  • Concrete and asphalt core sampling and logging with borehole reinstatement (Airport taxiways, rigid aircraft pavement design, etc.)
  • Dynamic Cone Penetration Test (DCP) and PANDA® Lightweight Dynamic Cone Penetration Test
  • Packer Test (to determine the average hydraulic conductivity of underground rock formations)
  • Geotechnical instrumentation (standpipe and vibrating wire piezometers, data loggers, telemetry, etc.)
  • Geotechnical cost estimation, report writing and proposal development

Australian Industry Certifications or Licenses (Shortlisted)

  • ​​​​​Queensland White Card (Construction Induction)
  • Class C Manual Driver License (Open)
  • Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (HLTAID009)
  • Provide basic emergency life support (HLTAID010)
  • Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)
  • Operate and maintain a four wheel drive vehicle (RIIVEH305F)
  • Undertake first response to fire incidents (MSMWHS212)
  • Communicate in the workplace (RIICOM201E)
  • Apply initial response First Aid (RIIERR205D)
  • Respond to local emergencies and incidents (RIIERR302E)
  • Comply with site work processes/procedures (RIIGOV201E)
  • Conduct local risk control (RIIRIS201E)
  • Work safely & follow WHS policies and procedures (RIIWHS201E)
  • Standard 11 Surface Induction (RIISS00034 Surface Coal Mine Safety Skill Set)