Dr Van Thuan Nguyen
Senior Research Technologist (Instrumentation)
School of Civil Engineering
+61 7 336 53520

Journal Articles
Doroudi, Y., Fernando, D., Zhou, H., Nguyen, V.T. and Ghafoori, Elyas (2020). Fatigue behavior of FRP-to-steel bonded interface: an experimental study with a damage plasticity model. International Journal of Fatigue, 139 105785, 105785. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.105785
Nguyen, Duy H., Nguyen, V.T., Lura, Pietro and Dao, Vinh T.N. (2019). Temperature-stress testing machine - A state-of-the-art design and its unique applications in concrete research. Cement and Concrete Composites, 102, 28-38. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2019.04.019
de Waal, Leo, Fernando, Dilum, Nguyen, Van Thuan, Cork, Ryan and Foote, Jack (2017). FRP strengthening of 60 year old pre-stressed concrete bridge deck units. Engineering Structures, 143, 346-357. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.03.062
Conference Papers
Slinger, V., Lao, D., Nguyen, V. T., Singh, S. and Gattas, J. (2021). Assessing the viability of visual vibrometry for use in structural engineering. 16th East Asian-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction EASEC16, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 2019. Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-8079-6_127
Mahmoud, M., Serati, M., Williams, D.J. and Nguyen, V.T. (2020). On the accurate strain measurements for the crack initiation determination. Underground Mining Technology, Perth, WA. Australia, 3 – 4 November 2020 . Perth, WA, Australia: Australian Centre for Geomechanics.
Mutaz Mahmoud, Serati, M., Nguyen, V.T. and Williams, D.J. (2019). Effects of testing conditions on measurement of material’s elastic properties. YSRM2019 & REIF2019, Okinawa, Japan, 1-4 December 2019. Okinawa, Japan: ISRM.
Zhou, Hao, Nguyen, Van Thuan and Fernando, Dilum (2018). Experimental study of CFRP-to-concrete bonded joints under fatigue loading. International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering, Paris, France, 17-19 July 2018. Kingston, Ontario, Canada: International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC).
Van Thuan Nguyen (2016). Real-time hybrid simulation of complex substructure system including bridge, vehicles and control devices. EASEC Structural Engineering and Construction, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 6-8 January 2016. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: EASEC.
Cork, Ryan, Foote, Jack, de Waal, Leo, Nguyen, Van Thuan and Fernando, Dilum (2015). FRP strengthening of 60 year old pre-stressed concrete bridge deck units. International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 9-11 December 2015. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2016.405
Van Thuan Nguyen, Dorka, Uwe and Trung Vien Phan (2011). Adaptive Phase Lag Compensation In Real-Time Substructure Testing Of Non-Linear Tuned Mass Damper Using Hydraulic Shaking Table. 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'11), Seoul, Korea, 18-12 September 2011.
Dorka, Uwe and Van Thuan Nguyen (2011). Advanced substructure algorithm with digital feedback and its applications. 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM'11), Seoul, Korea, 18-12 September 2011.