Dux, P. F. (Peter Francis) and Kitipornchai, S. (Sritawat) (1981). Inelastic beam buckling experiments. St. Lucia, Qld: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland.
Journal Articles
Nguyen, Duy H., Dao, Vinh T. N., O'Moore, Liza and Dux, Peter (2016). Early-age properties of micro-fibre concrete. Concrete in Australia, 42 (1), 36-44.
Dao, Vinh T. N., Dux, Peter F. and Morris, Peter, H. (2014). Crack propagation in concrete at very early ages. Magazine of Concrete Research, 66 (13), 643-651. doi: 10.1680/macr.13.00205
Soh, L. T., Morris, P., Dux, P. and Mullins, P. (2014). Numerical analysis of grouted blockwork walls in axial compression. Masonry International, 27 (1), 17-26.
Zeynalian, Mehran, Ronagh, H. R. and Dux, P. (2012). Analytical description of pinching, degrading, and sliding in a bilinear hysteretic system. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 138 (11), 1381-1387. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000442
Dao, Vinh T. N., Morris, Peter H. and Dux, Peter F. (2011). Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete - Roles of osmotic suction. Magazine of Concrete Research, 63 (10), 743-750. doi: 10.1680/macr.2011.63.10.743
Morris, P. H. and Dux, P. F. (2010). Analytical solutions for bleeding of concrete due to consolidation. Cement and Concrete Research, 40 (10), 1531-1540. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2010.06.007
Dao, Vinh T. N., Dux, Peter F., Morris, Peter H. and Carse, Alan H. (2010). Performance of permeability-reducing admixtures in marine concrete structures. ACI Materials Journal, 107 (3), 291-296.
Dao, V. T. N., Dux, P. F., Morris, P. H. and O'Moore, L. (2010). Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete. Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, 10 (3), 207-214. doi: 10.1080/13287982.2010.11465045
Dao,Vinh T. N., Dux, Peter F. and Morris, Peter H. (2009). Tensile properties of early-age concrete. ACI Materials Journal, 106 (6), 483-492.
Dao, Vinh N.T., Morris, Peter H. and Dux, Peter F. (2008). On equations for the total suction and its matric and osmotic components. Cement and Concrete Research, 38 (11), 1302-1305. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2008.06.004
O'Moore, L. M., Baweja, D. and Dux, P. F. (2008). Investigation of early age restrained shrinkage in slabs and standard drying shrinkage. Concrete Forum, 1 (1), 34-46.
Leech, Craig, Lockington, David, Hooton, R. Doug, Galloway, Graham, Cowin, Gary and Dux, Peter (2008). Validation of Mualem's conductivity model and prediction of saturated permeability from sorptivity. A C I Materials Journal, 105 (1), 44-51.
Ameli, M., Ronagh, H. R. and Dux, P. F. (2007). Behavior of FRP strengthened reinforced concrete beams under torsion. Journal of Composites For Construction, 11 (2), 192-200. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0268(2007)11:2(192)
Morris, PH and Dux, PF (2006). Crack depths in desiccating plastic concrete. Aci Materials Journal, 103 (2), 90-96.
Pritchard, R., Day, R. A., Dux, P. F. and Wong, K. Y. (2006). Response to live loading of steel helical culverts with low cover. The Structural Engineer, 84 (1), 21-24.
Morris, P. H. and Dux, P. F. (2005). A review of ACI recommendations for prevention of plastic cracking. Aci Materials Journal, 102 (5) 102-M35, 307-314.
Morris, P.H. and Dux, P.F. (2005). Suctions, fracture energy, and plastic cracking of cement mortar and concrete. ACI Materials Journal, 102 (6), 390-396.
Morris, P. H. and Dux, P. F. (2003). Cracking of plastic concrete. Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, 1 (1), 17-21. doi: 10.1080/14488353.2003.11463905
Leech, C, Lockington, D and Dux, P (2003). Unsaturated diffusivity functions for concrete derived from NMR images. Materials And Structures, 36 (260), 413-418. doi: 10.1617/13760
Rebibou, S. J., Dux, P. F. and Nooru-Mohamed, N. M. B. (2003). Shrinkage in concrete pavements. Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, 1 (1), 23-28. doi: 10.1080/14488353.2003.11463908
Hu, X. D., Day, R. and Dux, P. (2003). Biaxial failure model for fiber reinforced concrete. Journal of Materials In Civil Engineering, 15 (6), 609-615. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0899-1561(2003)15:6(609)
Hu, Xiao, Day, Robert and Dux, Peter (2002). Micro-mechanical approximation to the stress field around an inclined fiber of FRCC. Mechanics Research Communications, 29 (1), 27-34. doi: 10.1016/S0093-6413(02)00226-4
Hu, XiaoDong, Day, Robert and Dux, Peter (2001). Bending of steel fibers on partly supported elastic foundation. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 12 (6), 657-688. doi: 10.12989/sem.2001.12.6.657
Lockington, D. A., Dux, P. F. and Parlange, J. (1999). Sorptivity & estimating water penetration. Materials and Structures, 32 (219), 342-347. doi: 10.1007/BF02479625
Muller J.F. and Dux P.F. (1994). Fatigue of prestressed concrete beams with inclined strands. Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 120 (4), 1122-1139. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1994)120:4(1122)
Muller J.F. and Dux P.F. (1992). Prestressed-concrete railway-bridge live-load strains. Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), 118 (2), 359-376. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1992)118:2(359)
Dux, P. F. and Kitipornchai, S. (1990). Buckling of suspended I-beams. Journal of Structural Engineering, 116 (7), 1877-1891. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1990)116:7(1877)
Dux P.F. and Kitipornchai S. (1989). Stability of I-beams under self-weight lifting. Steel Construction (Sydney, Australia), 23 (2), 2-11.
Gajer G. and Dux P.F. (1989). Strain-softening analysis of concrete structures. Computers and Structures, 33 (2), 575-582. doi: 10.1016/0045-7949(89)90031-X
Gajer G. and Dux P. (1989). A damage-sensitive loading algorithm for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures. Computers and Structures, 32 (2), 493-496. doi: 10.1016/0045-7949(89)90059-X
Kitipornchai, S., Dux, P. F. and Richter, N. J. (1984). Buckling and Bracing of Cantilevers. Journal of Structural Engineering, 110 (9), 2250-2262. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1984)110:9(2250)
Dux, P. F. and Kitipornchai, S. (1984). Buckling Approximations for Inelastic Beams. Journal of Structural Engineering, 110 (3), 559-574. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1984)110:3(559)
Dux, P. F. and Kitipornchai. S. (1983). Inelastic beam buckling experiments. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 3 (1), 3-9. doi: 10.1016/0143-974X(83)90011-1
Kitipornchai, S. and Dux, P. (1982). Wagner hypothesis in beam and column theory - discussion. Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division - ASCE, 108 (3), 570-572.
Dux, P. F. and Kitipornchai, S. (1982). Buckling Approximations For Inelastic Beams. Research Report Series - University of Queensland, Department of Civil Engineering (CE36).
Dux, P. F. and Kitipornchai. S. (1978). Approximate inelastic buckling moments for determinate I-beams. Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Civil engineering, CE20 (2), 128-133.
Conference Papers
Nguyen, Duy H., Dao, Vinh T. N., O'Moore, Liza and Dux, Peter (2015). Effects of micro-fibres on early-age properties of concrete. International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 9-11 December 2015. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2016.406
Dao, Vinh, Morris, Peter H. and Dux, Peter F. (2013). Crack propagation in concrete at early ages. 26th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia, Gold Coast , Australia, 16-18 October 2013. North Sydney, Australia: Concrete Institute of Australia.
Soh, L. T., Morris, P. H., Dux, P. F. and Mullins, P. (2011). Experimental investigation of the compressive strength of grouted blockwork masonry. Australasian Masonry Conference (9th, 2011), Queenstown, N.Z., 15-18 February 2011. Auckland, N.Z.: Australasian Masonry Conference.
Dao, V. T. N., Morris, P. H. and Dux, P. F. (2010). Fracture mechanics of early-age concrete. 7th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Jeju, Korea, 23-28 May 2010. Seoul, Korea: Korea Concrete Institute; IA-FraMCoS.
Muller, Wayne, Karlovsek, Jurij, Reeves, Bryan, Scheuermann, Alexander, Dux, Peter and Williams, David (2010). Characterising moisture and other properties of civil engineering infrastructure using GPR. First European Conference on Moisture Measurement Aquametry 2010, Weimar, Germany, 5-7 October 2010. Weimar, Germany: MFPA Weimar.
Morris, P. H., Dux, P. F. and Dao, V. T. N. (2010). Snap-through cracking in plastic concrete slabs. 7th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Jeju, Korea, 23-28 May, 2010. Jeju, Korea: International Association of Fracture Mechanics for Concrete and Concrete Structures (IA-FraMCoS).
O'Moore, Liza M. and Dux, Peter F. (2009). Lapped Splices in Reinforced Concrete Slabs: An Experimental Review of Current and Proposed Code Revisions. Concrete Solutions 09 - Adding Value in Changing Times, Sydney, Australia, 17-19 September 2009. Australia: Concrete Institute of Australia.
Dao, V., Dux, P. F. and Morris, P. H. (2008). Tensile properties of early age concrete. International Congress on "Concrete: Construction's Sustainable Option", Dundee, United Kingdom, 8-10 July 2008. United Kingdom: IHS BRE Press.
Dao, Vinh, Morris, P.H. and Dux, P.F. (2008). Thermodynamic equations for total, matric and osmotic suctions. International Congress on "Concrete: Construction's Sustanable Option", Dundee, United Kingdom, 8-10 July 2008. United Kingdom: IHS BRE Press.
Dao, V., Dux, P. F. and Morris, P. H. (2007). Effectiveness of permeability-Reducing admixtures in marine concrete. 5th International Conrete under Severe Conditions Environment and Loading (CONSEC'07), France, 4-6 June 2007. France: Laboratoire Central Des Ponts et Chaussees (LCPC).
Pritchard, R, Day, R A, Dux, P F and Wong, K Y (2006). Numerical modelling of helical culverts during backfilling. Austroads 6th Bridge Conference: Bridging the Gap, Perth, Western Australia, 12-15 September 2006. Newtown, New South Wales, Australia: Impact Communications Pty Ltd.
Dux, P F (2006). Austroads and Universities. Austroads 6th Bridge Conference: Bridging the Gap, Perth, Western Australia, 12-15 September 2006. Newtown, New South Wales, Australia: Impact Communications Pty Ltd.
Pritchard, R, Day, R A, Dux, P F and Wong, K Y (2006). Response of helical steel culverts during backfilling in a full scale test program. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Canada, 23-25 August 2006. Canada: The Federal Bridge Corporation Ltd.
O'Moore, Liza, Baweja, Daksh and Dux, Peter (2005). Investigation of Early Age Tensile Stresses, Shrinkage Strains in Pavements and Standard Drying Shrinkage Tests. 22nd Biennial Conference, Concrete 05 - Issues Opportunities Innovations, Concrete Institute of Australia, Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 October, 2005. Sydney, Australia: Concrete Institute of Australia.
Dao, V., Dux, P. F. and O'Moore, L. M. (2005). Punching shear of slab-column connection in flat plate construction. 2005 International Congress Global Construction, Dundee, Scotland, 7 July 2005. London, United Kingdom: Thomas Telford Publishing.
Dao, V. N., Dux, P. F. and Morris, P. H. (2005). Plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete - its causes and preventive/corrective measures. 3rd national congress on problems and failures of building structures, Hanoi, Vietnam, 25 November 2005. Hanoi, Vietnam: Vietnam inst for building science and technology.
Mullins, and Dux, P. F. (2005). Compressive strenght of reinforced concrete masonry walls. Global construction:ultimate concrete opportunities, Dundee, Scotland, UK, 5-7 July 2005. London, UK: Thomas Telford.
Homayouni, F., Ronagh, H. R., Dux, P. F. and Beal, D (2005). Investigating the Aging of Concrete Anti-Carbonation Coatings. The 22nd Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia 2005, Melbourne, Australia, 17-19 October 2005. Melbourne, Australia: Concrete Institute of Australia.
Dao, Vinh N. T., Morris, Peter H. and Dux, Peter F. (2005). Plastic cracking of concrete: The roles of osmotic and matric suctions. 6th International Congress, Global Construction: Ultimate Concrete Opportunities, Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom, 5-7 July 2005. London, United Kingdom: ThomasTelford. doi: 10.1680/ccfdc.34013.0045
Dao, V., Dux, P. F. and Carse, A. (2005). Corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete structures exposed to coastal environments - Its causes and corrective measures. 3rd national congress on problems and failures of building structures, Hanoi, Vietnam, 25 November 2005. Hanoi, Vietnam: Construction Publishing House.
Carse A. and Dux P. (2005). Assessment of the risk of using a cathodic protection system on alkali-silica reactive concrete elements. 45th Annual Conference of the Australasian Corrosion Association 2005: Corrosion and Prevention 2005, Queensland, November 20, 2005-November 23, 2005. Australasian Corrosion Association.
Ameli, M., Ronagh, H. R. and Dux, P. F. (2005). Experimental investigations on FRP strengthening of beams in torsion. FRP Composites in Civil Engineering - CICE 2004, Adelaide, Australia, 8-10 December 2004. United Kingdom: A A Balkema.
Mahini, S. S., Ronagh, H. R. and Dux, P. F. (2005). Flexural repair of RC exterior beam-column joints using CFRP sheets. FRP Composites in Civil Engineering - CICE 2004, Adelaide, Australia, 8-10 December 2004. United Kingdom: A A Balkema.
Pritchard, R, Day, R. A. and Dux, P. F. (2004). Measured live loads on an instrumented sinusoidal profile helical culvert. Austroads 5th Bridge Conference Bridges Another, Tasmania, Australia, 19-21 May 2004. Australia: Austroads, Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources, Tasmania.
Pritchard, R., Day, R. A., Dux, P. F. and Wong, K. Y. (2004). Live loads on an instrumented sinusoidal profile helical culvert. ASEAN Australian Engineering Congress 2004, Sabah, Malyasia, 26-28 May 2004. Malaysia: AAEC Secretariat.
Pritchard, R, Day, R. A., Dux, P. F. and Wong, K.Y. (2004). Comparison of live loads on instrumented 3000 mm diameter sinusoidal and ribbed profile helical culverts. ASEAN Australian Engineering Congress 2004, Sabah, Malyasia, 26-28 May 2004. Malaysia: AAEC Secretariat.
O'Moore, L. M. and Dux, P. F. (2003). Crack Control - are we getting it right?. Developments in slab and pavement construction, Epping, NSW, 1 October, 2003. Sydney, NSW: Concrete Institute of Australia.
Ronagh, H. R. and Dux, P. F. (2003). Full-scale Torsion Testing of Concrete Beams Strenghtened with CFRP. International Conference on Performance of Construction Materials The new Millennium, a New Era of Building, Cairo, Egypt, 18-20 February 2003. Cairo, Egypt: Elmaarefa Printing House.
Rebibou, S.J., Dux, P. F. and Nooru-Mohamed, N.M.B. (2003). Shrinkage in concrete pavements. The 21st Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Aus3, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 17-19 July 2003. NSW, Australia: Concrete Institute of Australia.
Homayouni, F., Ronagh, H. R., Dux, P. F. and Beal, D. (2003). Evaluating the efficiency of concrete coatings used as CO2 barrier. The 21st Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Ausa, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 17-19 July 2003. Brisbane, Australia: Department of Main Roads, Queensland Government.
Ronagh, H. R. and Dux, P. F. (2003). Durability issues associated with concrete bridges located in Gold Coast region. Sixth Internatinal Conference on Civil Engineering, Isfahan/Isfahan University of Technology, 5-7 May 2003. Isfahan, Iran: Arkan.
Morris, P. H. and Dux, P. F. (2003). Plastic shrinkage of concrete. Concrete Institute of Australia Symposium on cracking in conce, Brisbane, Australia, March, 2003. Brisbane, Australia: Concrete Institute of Australia.
Dux, P. F., Morris, P. H. and Rebibou, S.J. (2003). Early and later age shrinkage of concrete. NZRMCA Conference, Napier, New Zealand, September, 2003. Wellington, New Zealand: NZRMCA.
Morris, P. H. and Dux, P. F. (2003). Cracking of Plastic Concrete. The 21st Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Ausa, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 17-19 July 2003. NSW, Australia: Concrete Institute of Australia.
Lockington, D. A., Leech, C., Parlange, J-Y. and Dux, P. F. (2002). The Sorptivity Test and Predicting Resistance to Water Absorption in Concrete. Challenges of Concrete Construction, Dundee, Scotland, 5-11 September 2002. London: Thomas Telford.
Mullins, P. and Dux, P. F. (2002). Control of Cracking in Unreinforced Masonry Walls on Suspended Slabs. Challenges of Concrete Construction, Dundee, Scotland, 5-11 September 2002. London: Thomas Telford.
Rebibou, S.J., Dux, P. F. and Nooru-Mohamed, N.M.B. (2001). Early age volumetric change and drying shrinkage in concrete pavements. Adding value through innovation, Perth, WA, Australia, 11-14 September 2001. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Concrete Institute of Australia.
Gillies, A.D.S., Pearson, D., Day, R. A., Dux, P. F. and Green, A R (2001). Testing and usage of ventilation control devices within the Australian Coal Mining Industry. Seventh International Mine Ventilation Congress, Cracow, Poland, 17-21 June 2001. Cracow, Poland: Research & Dev Ctr for Electrican Eng & Automation in mining EMAG.
Dux, P. F. (2001). Shrinkage research. Australian Premixed Concrete Association National Conference, Gold Coast, 1 September 2001.
Hu, X., Day, R. A. and Dux, P. F. (2001). Beam of elastic foundation and mico-fiber bending. 13th International Conference on Composite Materials, Beijing, China, June 25-29 2001. Beijing, China: Scientific and Technical Documents Publishing House.
Dux, P. F. and Mullins, P. (2001). Mechanics of failure of clay paver pool coping rigidly adhered to concrete. 6th Australasian Masonry Conference, Adelaide, SA, 12-13 July 2001. Adelaide: C M Ditital.
Sudarmadi, and Dux, P. F. (2000). Properties of Concrete Made with Manufactured Sand. Sand for the Future, Brisbane, 1 December 2000. Brisbane: Institute of Quarrying and Qld Government.
Pearson, D., Gillies, A. D. S., Day, R. A., Dux, P. F. and Green, T. (2000). New approaches to the design and evaluation of mine stoppings and seals. Queensland Mining Industry Health & Safety Conference 2000, Townsville, Qld., Australia, 27-30 August, 2000. Brisbane: Queensland Government Department of Mines and Energy.
Dux, P. F. (2000). Mechanisms and Significance of Cracking in Concrete. Taking the Cracks out of Concrete, Brisbane, 10 September 2000. Brisbane: Concrete Institute of Australia.
Dux, P. F. (2000). The Importance of Concrete Drying Shrinkage in Construction. To Shrink or not to Shrink, Milsons Point, NSW, 28 June 2000. Sydney: Concrete Institute of Australia.
Dux, P. F. (1999). Asbestos cement pipes in aggressive ground water: A case study. Creating with concrete, Dundee, Scotland, 6-10 September 1999. London: Thomas Telford.
Dux, P. F. (1999). Mechanics of Failure of Rigid Applied Finishes to Concrete Surfaces. Creating with concrete, Dundee, Scotland, 6-10 September 1999. London: Thomas Telford.
Dux, P. F. and O'Moore, L. (1999). A comparison of predicted and measured Time - dependent deformations in high strength concrete columns. 24th Conference on Our World in Concrete and Structures, Singapore, 25-26 August 1999. Singapore: C I Premier.
O'Moore, L.M. and Dux, P. F. (1995). Time-dependent axial deformations in high strength concrete columns. Towards Better Concrete Structures, Brisbane, Australia, 4-7 September 1995. Concrete Institute of Australia.
Dux, P. F. and Kitipornchai, S. (1977). Inelastic Lateral Buckling Approximations For Determinate I-beams. 6th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structure and Materials, Australia, 1977.
Stevens, John Nicholas and Dux, Peter F. (2003). A method of designing a concrete railway sleeper. WO2004/018772.
Research Reports
Dux P.F. and Kitipornchai S. (1988). Buckling of suspended I-beams. Civil Engineering Research Reports St. Lucia, Qld, Australia: The University of Queensland, Department of Civil Engineering. doi: 10.14264/403611
Kitipornchai, S. (Sritawat), Dux, P. F. (Peter Francis) and Richter, Neville John (1983). Buckling and bracing of cantilevers. Civil Engineering Research Reports St. Lucia, Qld, Australia: The University of Queensland, Department of Civil Engineering. doi: 10.14264/278979
Dux, P. F. (Peter Francis) and Kitipornchai, S. (Sritawat) (1982). Buckling approximations for inelastic beams. Civil Engineering Research Reports St. Lucia, Qld, Australia: The University of Queensland, Department of Civil Engineering. doi: 10.14264/278980
Dux, P. F. (Peter Francis) and Kitipornchai, S. (Sritawat) (1980). Buckling approximations for laterally continuous elastic I-Beams. Civil Engineering Research Reports St Lucia, Qld, Australia: The University of Queensland, Department of Civil Engineering. doi: 10.14264/278018