Honorary Professor Gideon Chitombo
Professor and Chair of Minerals Industry Engagement, The WH Bryan Mining and Geology Research Centre
Geotechnical Engineering Centre

Journal Articles
Yu, Kunpeng, Lin, Peng, Chitombo, Gideon, Ma, Liqiang and Peng, Chengkun (2024). Study on the optimization of blasting parameters and blastholes charging structure for broken orebody. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 152 105948, 105948. doi: 10.1016/j.tust.2024.105948
Yu, Kunpeng, Ma, Liqiang, Ngo, Ichhuy, Gao, Qiangqiang, Zhai, Jiangtao, Ren, Fengyu and Chitomb, Gideon (2023). Study on rock fragments penetration of overlying strata in sublevel caving. Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 40 (6), 2371-2381. doi: 10.1007/s42461-023-00799-x
Yu, Kunpeng, Ren, Fengyu, Chitombo, Gideon, Puscasu, Ruslan and Kang, Liangliang (2020). Optimum sublevel height and drift spacing in sublevel cave mining based on random medium theory. Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 37 (2), 681-690. doi: 10.1007/s42461-020-00185-x
Catalan, Alex, Onederra, Italo and Chitombo, Gideon (2017). Evaluation of intensive preconditioning in block and panel caving – part II, quantifying the effect on seismicity and draw rates. Mining Technology, 126 (4), 221-239. doi: 10.1080/14749009.2017.1319527
Catalan, Alex, Onederra, Italo A. and Chitombo, Gideon (2017). Evaluation of intensive preconditioning in block and panel caving – Part I, quantifying the effect on intact rock. Mining Technology, 126 (4), 209-220. doi: 10.1080/14749009.2017.1300724
Onederra, I., Catalan, A. and Chitombo, G. (2013). Modelling fracturing, disturbed and interaction zones around fully confined detonating charges. Mining Technology, 122 (1), 20-32. doi: 10.1179/1743286312Y.0000000021
Sellers, E., Furtnery, J., Onederra, I. and Chitombo, G. (2012). Improved understanding of explosive-rock interactions using the hybrid stress blasting model. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 112 (8), 721-728.
Chitombo, G. P. (2010). Cave mining: 16 years after Laubscher's 1994 paper 'Cave mining - state of the art'. Mining Technology, 119 (3), 132-141. doi: 10.1179/174328610X12820409992255
Onederra, I. A. and Chitombo, G. (2007). Design methodology for underground ring blasting. Mining Technology, 116 (4), 180-195. doi: 10.1179/174328607X282244
Onederra, I. A., Player, J., Wade, P. and Chitombo, G. P. (1999). Mass blast computer design, analysis and monitoring - a case study. Fragblast, 3 (3), 213-235. doi: 10.1080/13855149909408047
McKee D.J., Chitombo G.P. and Morrell S. (1995). The relationship between fragmentation in mining and comminution circuit throughput. Minerals Engineering, 8 (11), 1265-1274. doi: 10.1016/0892-6875(95)00094-7
Kavetsky, A., Chitombo, G. P.F., McKenzie, C. K. and Yang, R. L. (1990). A model of acoustic pulse propagation and its application to determine Q for a rock mass. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and, 27 (1), 33-41. doi: 10.1016/0148-9062(90)90006-N
Conference Papers
Murphy, Travis, Webster, Tony and Chitombo, Gideon (2016). Beyond rock-mass characterisation: the impact of geology on block-caving. Seventh International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining (MassMin 2016), Sydney, Australia, 7-11 May 2016. Carlton, VIC, Australia: AusIMM: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Onederra, I., Catalan, A. and Chitombo, G. (2013). A case study of large scale rock mass preconditioning by confined blasting. Eurock 2013: ISRM International Symposium, Wroclaw, Poland, 23-26 September 2013. Leiden, Netherland: CRC Press/Balkema. doi: 10.1201/b15683-77
Catalan, A., Dunstan, G., Morgan, M., Green, S., Jorquera, M., Thornhill, T., Onederra, I. and Chitombo, G. (2012). How can an intensive preconditioning concept be implemented at mass mining method? Application to Cadia East panel caving project. 46th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2012, Chicago, IL United States, 24-27 June 2012. Alexandria, VA United States: American Rock Mechanics Association.
Catalan, A., Onederra, I. and Chitombo, G. (2012). A proposed methodology for evaluation of the preconditioning by blasting at the Cadia East panel cave mine. MassMin 2012: 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Mass Mining, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, 10-14 June 2012. Westmount, QC, Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.
Hancock, William, Weatherley, Dion and Chitombo, Gideon (2012). Modeling the Gravity Flow of rock using the Discrete Element Method. MassMin 2012: 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Mass Mining, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, 10-14 June 2012. Westmount, QC, Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.
Chitombo, G. (2011). Total deposit knowledge: geology, underground mass mining and the future. A mining engineer's perspective. IMGC2011: Eighth International Mining Geology Conference, Queenstown, NZ, 22-24 August, 2011. Carlton South, VIC, Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Chitombo, G. P. (2010). Cave mining: 16 years after Laubscher's 1994 paper 'Cave mining - State of the art'. Maney Publishing. doi: 10.1179/174328610X12820409992255
Hancock, W. R., Weatherley, D. K. and Chitombo, G. P. (2010). Large-scale simulations of gravity flow in block caving. Caving 2010 Second International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Perth, Australia, 20-22 April 2010. Perth, Western Australia: Australian Centre for Geomechanics.
Chitombo, G. P. (2010). Cave mining - 16 years after Laubscher's 1994 paper 'Cave mining - state of the art'. Caving 2010: Second International Symposium on Block and Sublevel Caving, Perth, WA, Australia, 20-22 April, 2010. Nedlands, WA, Australia: Australian Centre for Geomechanics.
Brunton, I. D. and Chitombo, G. P. (2009). Modelling the impact of sublevel caving blast design and performance on material recovery. 9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting - Fragblast 9, Granada, Spain, 13-17 September 2009. Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema.
Onederra, I., Chitombo, G. P., Cundall, P. A. and Furtney, J. K. (2009). Towards a complete validation of the lattice scheme in the Hybrid Stress Blasting Model (HSBM). Fragblast 9: 9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Granada, Spain, 13-17 September 2009. Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema.
Furtney, J. K., Cundall, P. A. and Chitombo, G. P. (2009). Developments in numerical modeling of blast induced rock fragmentation: updates from the HSBM project. FRAGBLAST 9: 9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Granada, Spain, 13-17 September, 2009. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press.
Braithwaite, M., Sharpe, G. J. and Chitombo, G. P. (2009). Simulation of real detonations as an energy source term for the hybrid stress blasting model. FRAGBLAST 9: 9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Granada, Spain, 13-17 September, 2009. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press.
Onederra, I., Ruest, M. and Chitombo, G.P (2007). Burden Movement Experiments Using the Hybrid Stress Blasting Model (HSBM). Explo 2007, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 3 – 4 September, 2007. Carlton Victoria 3053 Australia: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Scott, A., Onederra, I. A. and Chitombo, G. P. (2006). The suitability of conventional geological and geotechnical data for blast design. Fragblast 8, Santiago, Chile, 7-11 May, 2006. Santiago, Chile: Editec SA.
Brunton, I. D., Lewis, G. N. and Chitombo, G. P. (2004). Blast fragmentation modelling for a green field open cut gold deposit. Explo 2004, Perth, WA, 26-28 July, 2004. Melbourne, VIC: AusIMM.
Onederra, I. A., Riihioja, K. J. and Chitombo, G. P. (2001). Computer aided design and information management for tunnel development using drilling and blasting techniques. ISRM Regional Symposium Eurock 2001, Espoo, Finland, 4-7 June 2001. Lisse, The Netherlands: A A Balkema.
Chitombo, G. P., Guest, A., Djordjevic, N. and La Rosa, D. M. (1999). In search of an improved understanding of the fundamentals of rock breakage under controlled dynamic loading. Fragblast 1999 - 6th International Symposium for Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Johannesburg, RSA, 8-12 August 1999. Johannesburg, RSA: SAIMM.
Djordjevic, N., Brunton, I., Cepuritis, P., Chitombo, G. P. and Heslop, G. (1999). Effect of blast vibration on slope stability. Explo'99, Kalgoorlie, WA, 7-11 November 1999. Melbourne: AusIMM.
Onederra, I. A., Player, J., Wade, P. and Chitombo, G. P. (1999). Mass blast design, simulation, optimisation and monitoring at Big Bell gold mine. Fragblast 1999 - 6th International Symposium for Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Johannesburg, RSA, 8-12 August 1999. Johannesburg, RSA: SAIMM.
La Rosa, D. M. and Chitombo, G. P. (1999). A hierachical blast management system. Fragblast 1999 - 6th International Symposium for Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, Johannesburg, RSA, 8-12 August 1999. Johannesburg, RSA: SAIMM.
Research Reports
Chitombo, Gideon, Onederra, Italo, Cundall, Peter, Furtney, Jason, Torres, Maurilio and Markham, John (2010). The HYBRID STRESS BLASTING MODEL, a methodology and numerical model for blast design & optimisation - Final report 2010. Indooroopilly, QLD Australia: JKMRC, SMI.
Onederra, I. and Chitombo, G. (2000). A review of blast induced damage and drilling and blasting practices in narrow vein mining. Brisbane, Australia: JKMRC.
Chitombo, G., Onederra, I., Trueman, R., Windsor, C., Thompson, A., Riihioja, K. and La Rosa, D. (1999). Mining drilling and blasting practices submitted to Cerro Vanguardia. Brisbane, Australia: JKMRC.