Marine fish farmers have fully exploited nearshore farming locations. Therefore, the expansion of aquaculture activities in higher energy marine environments is a solution to keep up with the increasing demand for quality proteins for human consumption. Floating closed-containment aquaculture production Systems (FCCS) address many issues and challenges that the marine aquaculture industry is facing today with open-net aquaculture systems.

Recent developments show the application of FCCS at calm, low energy farming sites. This research aims to develop FCCS suitable for operating in more exposed, energetic nearshore locations; the primary focus is developing technology that overcomes issues with sloshing while creating an appropriate environment for growing fish.

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About Confirmation Seminars 2020

The purpose of the confirmation milestone is to ensure that the candidate receives appropriate feedback in relation to the viability and progress of the thesis project and that the resources required to complete the program of research within the recommended timeframe are available.

It is also an opportunity to ensure that the candidate has demonstrated the capacity and capability to successfully complete the thesis in a timely manner.