Offshore aquaculture systems require protection from extreme seas and swell waves. However, floating wave breakwaters are known to be ineffective in long waves unless their size is comparable to the wavelength, which is impractical and not cost-effective. This study further develops the knowledge acquired during the preliminary stages on the subject of a floating breakwater constructed using HDPE pipes which automatically adapts the shape of a parabolic beach.

Further experimental research followed those earlier stages during the last six months to improve the knowledge acquired at that point on this particular floating breakwater. During this period the notion of a numerical fluid dynamic analysis was included in the operational plan and the selection of the adequate computational fluid dynamics software which will effectively help in the simulation of what is happening and to predict what may happen in future experimentation.


About Confirmation Seminars 2020

The purpose of the confirmation milestone is to ensure that the candidate receives appropriate feedback in relation to the viability and progress of the thesis project and that the resources required to complete the program of research within the recommended timeframe are available.

It is also an opportunity to ensure that the candidate has demonstrated the capacity and capability to successfully complete the thesis in a timely manner.